In order that I do not become too passive a member of the local club, I help to organize talks for our monthly meetings.

These meetings occur 10 times a year and are held at 2000hrs on the last Thursday of each month except for the months of June and December. Those are the “school holiday” months when many of the hams have other things on their minds.

Whenever there are no volunteers, I would open my “ham experiments” file and try to find something of technical interest for the members to fill in the slack.

Here is a list of talks that were organized in 2012.

The list of 2013 talks can be found here.



Sometime after I got my callsign, I gave a talk to the club entitled:

 "What I've been up to since I got my callsign"



I assisted the Singapore Scouts during one of their Jamborees:

Link to Scouts Jamboree page

Asking for volunteers

and also built some custom hardware for morse code:

Design of a straight key morse keyer


Most of the talks I give are of a technical nature. Here are some of the presentation materials:

Antenna Construction:

A 2m antenna made out of PCB material

Matching a whip antenna for 2m

Transmission Lines:

Please refer to the transmission lines page for info about the talk.


Design of a straight key morse keyer



 Marine VHF Talk at SARTS by my friend Cpt Steve Foong:

My fellow Old Free has kindly consented to give SARTS a talk at our monthly meeting. Here are some materials we have prepared. If you attend the meeting, you will also hear some some recordings. Thanks, Steve.


Sep 2012:

Steve has completed an overland drive from Penang to London in aid of charity. You can found his chronicle and some lovely picture of his drive here.

 Talk on Light Aircraft Comms :

I persuaded our SARTS member Roger Lee who owns a light plane to give a talk to our radio club. The talk was held on 31 May 2012 at our usual meeting place, and here are some of the slides. There were many sound clips played to illustrate the methods involved. I present here one of them. Thanks for the effort, Roger.


W8NP/9V1MI Lawrence Joy Speaks on Reference Designators :

In September 2012, our SARTS member Larry, who sits on the ASME Y14 Subcommittee on Reference Designators gave us a talk on a topic that is very useful for those who have to generate as well as understand technical documents, especially schematics. A video recording made by 9V1WD can be found on Vimeo. Here is the presentation material as well as some reference materials that we used. Thanks for taking time, Larry.

9V1FJ Barry Fletcher talks about his dXpedition to Swains Island.

At the October meeting, Barry gave a talk on his dXpedition to Swains Island. You may visit the dXpedition site via this link.

9V1AS Jeff Yeo gave some demos.

At the November meeting, I gave a show and tell.



Club Talks