Digging up the past and finding our club's roots.

I am interested in digging up the past history of the club and tracing the old days of the hobby in Singapore. Some of the past presidents and office holders and they have been nice enough to pass me materials. I have scanned some of the materials.

9V1NQ Joe Seah and 9V1OK Frank have searched in their cupboards and provided me some materials. Please visit again, I have some more unscanned materials:


Seanet 1983

Seanet 1989

Sunday Monitor 27 Nov 1983 Article

SARTS Groundwave Mar 2003

Why we are called hams

Dunno who



I would be very interested to receive more materials, photos, mewsletters etc from more 9V1 old timers.


Last week my ham friend James Rodrigo 9V1WW brought some old ham materials. I will post them here as soon as I have scanned them. Thanks, James.