Antenna construction is one aspect of ham radio which give me great joy. The requisite skills and knowledge involved in constructing and testing the antennas will yield much knowledge and skill, not to mention enjoyment too.

Here are some antennas that I have constructed. Some of them have been presented in talks to our club

2m Antennas:

A 2m antenna made out of PCB material

Matching a whip antenna for 2m


Building a 70cm Ground Plane Antenna:

My ham buddy 9V1FC Giulio's QTH is at Pandan Loop, in a straight line from my office QTH. Since we have been having simplex QSOs on VHF (too much QRM plaguing our club repeater), we thought it might be nice to try UHF, so we both built 70cm antennas. Mine is presented here. Since I intend to mount mine on my aircon ledge, I have made extra effort to make the antenna resistant to the elements.

“Repurposing” a cordless phone basestation antenna for ham VHF use :

My ham buddy 9V1WW is very good at sniffing out bargains at Sim Lim Tower. Recently he gave me some stuff which we felt could be repurposed (is there such a word? I see it used lately in some hardware hackers’ mags) for ham VHF/UHF usage. Here are some photos.








